Belated Saturday.
Hello Thailand blog. There’s really too much to say about
this trip to be encompassed into one blog post – but one thing for sure is that
we have an almighty and all powerful God.
This past week has been absolutely amazing – from the moments
we, as a team, share floor space at the airport due to a layover, to spending
time with the Thai kids at an orphanage, to making Tesco runs, to winning
basketball games for Leroy Jenkins, and most importantly, teaching and building
relationships with students at Jian Hwa vocational school (in hopes of sharing
the gospel!). Ahaha, but in all seriousness though, God is so good.
Here’s a photo of us post-basketball game with some of the
Jian Hwa students. There was quite an amount of excitement and competition
leading up to this game since apparently, we’ve never won before. In fact, we
were smashed on years prior. It was like the game of the year for some of these
kids, and teammates. Ahaha. I mean, we had an unofficial official and this huge
scoreboard. It was all pretty great and entertaining, but regardless of the
result of the game (feel free to ask!), it was such a great experience to carry
home. A little switcheroo from the usual standpoint of being servants, it was
humbling to be served by the students and staff of Jian Hwa. Prior to the game,
they brought us a bench to the other end of the court. Since the weather is hot
and humid (normal for them, but not for us), they brought us a huge umbrella to
withstand a bit of the heat. And lastly, they brought us cold drinks in a
bucket filled with ice. Wow. The generosity and love the staff and students
extended for us were pretty astounding. Their hearts are so pure, and their
kindness is so genuine. Although they don’t know it, they exemplify a lot of
things that we, as Christians, sometimes lack. The Thai people are always
serving – constantly putting others before themselves – so humbling, so loving,
and so patient. In addition to that, the players were all so kind! That’s
always pretty awesome. Good sports, good sports. It was a blessing to share a
court with these fellow ballers.
Secondly, here are two photos that wrap up the rest of the
day! First photo is a snapshot of our Tesco run with the kids from the
orphanage. Oh, these kids. The Lord is breaking my heart for what breaks His.
They are such sweet, beautiful children. Anywho, we were allowed to bring the
kids to Tesco just to roam around for a good 45 minutes – in which we were all
pretty confused as to what we could do in a supermarket with the kids for 45
minutes – which God provided for! I’m surprised we didn’t get kicked out since
we let them ride the bikes, bump some volleyballs, and run around in circles in
between aisles. Ahaha. To end the day, we took the kids out to a buffet! So
much happy faces, so many lit-up smiles. Man, it was such a joy and honor to
serve, love, and hang out with these kids. They don’t receive these
opportunities often, but when they do, they truly enjoy every minute of it. I
can’t even share with them in words how much God loves each and every one of
them, but
I fully believe that God’s at work with these kids. They’re going to be
world-changers some day.
This post doesn’t even share the fifth of it, but it’s ohkay. All
Glory to our Heavenly Father.
So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from
love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my
joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and
of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others
more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own
interests, but also to the interests of others.
Prayer Requests:
We, as a
team, would be of the same mind, of the same hearts, with the same love. Pray
that we would be unfailing support systems for one another in times of
inadequacies, loneliness, and encouragement.
already week 2, and we’re gone by Saturday. Pray for us to be bold in the
opportunities that we share with the students at Jian Hwa. Pray over the
language barrier that some of us have, to trust that even God can use our
weaknesses for His glory.
Pray for
health! There’s been an influx of sickness within the team, from one person
after another. One gets better, but then another person gets sick. Just pray
for God’s protection over the team as whole, so that we’d be able to teach and
hang out with the kids!
These are
just a few, but I got to go now. I still need to shower and it’s 12:20 am here
in Thailand. We have to be up by 7:30 tomorrow. Whomp, whomp, whomp. If you
have any encouraging words or prayers, please feel free to e-mail me at! :) Sawadee!
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